Graphic Design III

"Walk Two Moons" Poster
Dimensions: 11" x 17"
Medium: Adobe Illustrator
Idea: The two moons resemble a dream cathcer because of Sal's, the main character's, heritage as a Native American. The tree imagery in the second moon is because a tree is an important set piece in the play.
Process: I first researched the plot of the play and the mood of the play so those who see the poster have the right expectations going into the show. Then, I decided to put emphasis on the big imagery that respresents the play.
Irvine High School Art Exhibit
Dimensions: 7" x 4"
Medium: Adobe Illustrator
Idea: The 3D bubble letters are in line with current design trends and the flat 2D letters provide a nice contrast.
Process: I used Illustrator's 3D rendering feature to create the bubble letters and used purple and orange to illustrate creativity.

Orange Earrings
Dimensions: .5" x 1.5"
Medium: Adobe Illustrator
Idea: Larger size and layered 3D effect for a novelty earring.
Process: I used a laser cutter to cut out each layer then glues them together to give a 3 dimensional effect. I also used it to create a unique on theme brand. (below center, right)

Dimensions: 11" x 11"
Medium: Paper, block printing ink
Idea: The patterns were made from deconstructed portions of a real word, each section being made from the same word in different fonts. The letters were "reformed" into a form unrecognizable form where it started.
Process: After designing the layout of the deconstructed letters, I used a laser cutter to cut out the patterns on black paper and made wooden stamps to use. I started by stamping the pattern withj different colors to show contrast, and then further deconstructed the peices cut out of paper and arragned them on the page. (below right: first rough draft)

Seal Stickers
Dimensions: 5" x 7"
Medium: Sticker
Idea: Cute and fun stickers to practice the whole product making process, inclduing the sticker design, product production, and package design.
Process: All sticker and package design was done in Illustrator. The sticker designs were then printed into sticker sheets and packaged.

Beckman Life
Dimensions: 13" x 13"
Medium: Adobe Illustrator, Paper, 3D print
Idea: Adapting the Game of Life into a Beckman theme from scratch. The things like payday and jobs were replaced with test and AP and CP classes.
Process: All design was done in illustrator, then everything was printed out, laminated, and cut. The pieces were 3D printed.

Hanbok Toy
Dimensions: 5" x 7"
Medium: Wood, fabric
Idea: A paper doll inspired toy that educates children about Korean culture. All the pieces can be mixed and matched.
Process: I used the laser cutter to make a cardboard draft and I initially intended to use paint, but paint felt lackluster. To remedy this, I used real fabric in the final wooden draft to make it feel more alive and realistic.